Short Skirt Dress "Laila"
Made from scratch in Blender.
- 2 Versions provided, one with panties and one without
- Polygons (tris) : 5,224 with panties, 4,738 without panties
- 1 Material
- Fitted, rigged and weightpainted to Pandaabear's Female Base
- Skirt rigged and phys bones-ready
- No texture, used solid colour or a matcap
Only the dress is included in the package.
Terms of service:
- With your purchase, you are allowed to use this on your own private avatars and also commercially. If you use it commercially, credit me on your final product page with the link to this asset on gumroad + my discord : Fuujin#3390
- No sharing, trading or splice splitting with friends allowed
- Do not claim as your asset
- You are allowed to edit this asset, but you are not allowed to resell the edited assets or parts of it, unless they are on a finished avatar
- No installation on public avatars is allowed
Assets used on preview images (Not included):
Body base - Panda's Female Base by Pandaabear#9873
Head - Serena Head by Darcy#0005
Hair - Pony Tail Hair (Asian Style) by WetCat#6969
Shoes - Made from scratch by me Fuujin#3390
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